Monday, May 11, 2009

About That...

So I guess there was this Winter Challenge thing, where some guy on this site was going to disc golf every week during the Winter.

Needless to say, it didn't go so well.

To be honest, it sounded like a good idea. I figured that after my first round out in the snow, I would have a pretty easy go of it. You forget certain things, like you won't have free time every weekend to play, like snow is wet and shiny and hard to find discs in, like I am not good with commitment, like I often find myself in over my head with tasks.

However, the most succinct way to put it is that disc golf did not seem fun when it was a job. I played a round in what would have been week two of the challenge, and it wasn't very successful. I made a trip to Sunrise Park in Bartlett, and it was a particularly windy day. I also have a tendency to keep my discs awful high, which doesn't help on windy days. My very first shot, as two dudes waited to throw, ended up going high, high, high in the air...and then landing about 2 feet behind me.

Needless to say, not a good way to play a round. I was fairly discouraged, and thus, I was left with that to remember disc golf by during the winter. I have been back at it this spring, which has been fairly productive. I've played well at Oswego, which has been quite encouraging, and I've now begun to master the Innova BEAST. The combination of beast and Oswego resulted in a birdie on the very difficult 17th hole. I really like the way I throw it, as I go consistent and long with it every time. So thumbs up to me (and then to the beast).

I will no longer commit myself to ridiculous endeavors and I will just blog as disc golf allows me to. We're hoping to get some rounds in this weekend, though the weather may not cooperate. Only time will tell.

I will include two links, to leave this post. First, I noticed one website absent from the links provided by my cohorts. Disc Golf Course Review is a great website for a quick course locator, along with reviews. I would like to noted that my reviews are regarded quite well, with 50 thumbs up and only five thumbs down. I figure that five people must just be jealous, or ugly, or jealous ugly dudes.

The next is our Facebook page! Just search "Worm Burners" on Facebook and add us, you'll know which ones to add. Just look for the awesome flaming disc. It's pretty bare now, but we'll soon add exclusive pictures and disc golf commentary. More than anything, we will inspire a sense of disc golf community in our readership. We're all about community here at Worm Burners. And by community, we mean racking up the readers until the ad revenue starts to roll in. To that extent, we thrive on community.

Please, our community.

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