Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dretzka Park - Milwaukee, WI

Dretzka Park - what is there to say about such a place? Lots of things, that's what.

Dretzka is somewhere in Milwaukee - I'm not sure where, I kinda wasn't paying attention on the drive to the park. I know where it isn't, though - it isn't near a 7-Eleven. When you're playing 27 holes of disc golf and you're about to die of Slurpeelessness, wouldn't a 7-Eleven be the best place to go to? Well don't look for one here, because guess what? You won't find one.

That aside, Dretzka is a very fun course. And as evidenced in the picture above, it is a pretty course where dudes can bring their dogs. It is also an unforgiving course that, once played, you will have nightmares about for the immediate future. This is 27 holes that will definitely leave you feeling conflicted, but ultimately, the best kind of conflicted.

Parking is certainly ample, as there are other activities nearby. Please refrain from taunting anyone you see carrying a golfbag, as they are people just like us. I have to say, some of them made me feel uncomfortable. They just had this...look, I don't know. And it was collective, all of the golfers had this look. On second thought, taunt them, but do it subtly so they don't know about it and so you don't feel bad about it.

The first tee definitely is not difficult to find, and what a pleasant surprise to see two concrete tees for each hole. It certainly adds a lot to the course - you don't often see the two concrete tees. Oh, one other thing you don't see is the 75 different basket locations for each hole. Actually, it's like three or four basket locations per hole, but it can still be a bit confusing. Thankfully, we have archaic wooden tee markers with hole information carved into them. We're also reminded not to litter (very important) and provided with fantastic sponsorship.

Thanks, Mike Cox and family! Your continued support is sincerely appreciated. At first, you might confuse the tee markers with the lyrics for Nightman, but you'll get used to it. From here, it's a matter of figuring out which basket location is in use - a bit of work, but not too hard to do.

The course itself is a ton of fun. The wooded holes are very difficult and plentiful, but thanfully, there certainly isn't any shortage in more open holes. Trees are used extremely well as obstacles, and the length isn't too much of a killer. It isn't really needed, as the course is quite challenging. Definitely a lot of variety here.Their isn't a great deal by way of elevation changes, but there's enough that would make it noticeable.

The flow isn't too bad, but some of the holes kinda run together. Going from five to six was a bit of a challenge. We almost went from five to sixteen - the gentlemen behind us with beer had a significantly harder time then us. Maybe it was the beer? Regardless, I'm not here to speculate. We didn't have too hard of a time going from hole to hole, so I was satisfied with the flow. I also didn't notice any issues with the garbage on the course. Certainly a lot of dudes out drinking, and I'm sure there were some bottles and cans here or there, but I think the "please don't litter" signs were deterrent enough.

Bottom line - this is a pretty difficult, yet, extremely fun course. The photos don't do justice to how pretty this course's extremely picturesque. Lots of variety and lots of people as well - quite the busy course, which is understandable. 27 holes is more than enough to play, and you'll likely want to play another 27 when you are done. Make sure to bring plenty of hydration, maybe even a tent and sleeping bag. The course is a trek, and a fantastic one at that. Scores time!!

Variety: 4
Terrain: 4
Flow: 4
Cleanliness: 5
Overall Score: 4.25

A great course - Dretzka Park is highly recommended by The Worm Burners.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Really enjoyed this course. Need to spend a whole day there sometime as there's enough variety and challenge to keep it interesting.